
So after about a week of begging and a whole kaffaffle of planning, I have convinced my parents to get me off my apparant "grounding" and to let me out for my first annual Valentines day tradition. The whole catch is that it is on the 13th, not the 14th. Myself, Liam, Chlo and her loverboy Brent, who I shall meet tomorrow along with the rest of the gang, will all be at her house, go watch the Edge of Darkness and then go chill back at hers. Shall be fun :D

The Anthropology of Ariana.

I'm not who you think I am because to be honest, you don't know who I am. How should you? I laugh when i'm not meant to, I cry when things get happy. I never know what to wear. I want it to be hot when it's cold, and cold when it's hot. I like being alone, yet when I am, I wish I wasn't. I realised not everything is worth dying for. Nothings what it seems and who you thought were, aren't. All I need is you, that's all I really know.