"Even though the world she loved, it won't ever be the way it was and his heart is stone, her laughter's breaking. Every night she cries, he dies a little more each time."
You're not the person you once were. You didn't have a care in the world, nothing could upset you and no one could get you down or angry. Then she came waltzing into your life like a pansy. Like a little doll, charming her way into your mind. Then she shat all over your brain and turned you into moosh. You're angry, you care what she thinks. Yeah, the one that has been with your mate. And your other mate. Oh, and that one too. What a lovely soul sucking soul she is. Just a heads up, you're not the same person you used to be, and it's upsetting she changed the boy you were, to what you are now.
I miss you.
The Anthropology of Ariana.
I'm not who you think I am because to be honest, you don't know who I am. How should you? I laugh when i'm not meant to, I cry when things get happy. I never know what to wear. I want it to be hot when it's cold, and cold when it's hot. I like being alone, yet when I am, I wish I wasn't. I realised not everything is worth dying for. Nothings what it seems and who you thought were, aren't. All I need is you, that's all I really know.