21st of February,2010 2:07pm
So last night was half eventful, half so effing boring. I was more than happy to have by my side, my best friend, who has been quite strong in the past 24 hours. To know that she'd be willing to come out with me after something that big, was quite heartwarming. I must make it up to her one day. Though i'm pretty sure she enjoyed herself, and just being there in the bed crying and comforting eachother, it's as if she was my family. Having Liam there was one of the best highlights of the night, along with the girls, but I hadn't really felt comfortable being just bleh with anyone else before, I love it! The only thing I hated about last night, was pathetic lying pigs who ruin peoples lives and make up rumours about everyone and spreading them to every Tom, Dick and Harry that passes them by. Oh how lovely it would feel to run you over with a Mack truck :)
The Anthropology of Ariana.
I'm not who you think I am because to be honest, you don't know who I am. How should you? I laugh when i'm not meant to, I cry when things get happy. I never know what to wear. I want it to be hot when it's cold, and cold when it's hot. I like being alone, yet when I am, I wish I wasn't. I realised not everything is worth dying for. Nothings what it seems and who you thought were, aren't. All I need is you, that's all I really know.