Last Day At Torquay; The Place I'd Rather Be.
Ok so Bella wakes me up, at like, eight in the morning, and im so tired from being up till four that I fail to fully wake. I make my mother and father get me an extra strong latte for the last time from the Cafe across the road so I can acutally see. We take yonks to re pack the car, and I say goodbye to the temporary neighbours. I didn't want to leave. I try convincing my parents to contemplate on moving up here. Their response? "We'll think about it". Downer mood already. I fall aseep in the overpacked car, with my comfy pillow under my head, aviators on eyes, and oily messy hair in bun. Good thing I did though, according to mother the car conversation was about Goats and Cows and apparantly "Piss".... Beer or whatever. When we got home, I unpack and go get the dogs. God how I missed their barking! All trip long I istened to some little mutt a door down. So anyways, bottom line is, I love it up there, and hate it down here... My solution? MOVE TO TORQUAY!!! haha... I wish ><
The Anthropology of Ariana.
I'm not who you think I am because to be honest, you don't know who I am. How should you? I laugh when i'm not meant to, I cry when things get happy. I never know what to wear. I want it to be hot when it's cold, and cold when it's hot. I like being alone, yet when I am, I wish I wasn't. I realised not everything is worth dying for. Nothings what it seems and who you thought were, aren't. All I need is you, that's all I really know.